Saturday, December 18, 2010

NAPA passed!

NAPA (the National Alzheimer's Project Act) was passed with an overwhelming vote in the House of Representatives and is now on it's way to President Obama for his signature. I emailed our President urging him to sign the legislation.

Last Thursday my Mom and I went to the annual Alzheimer's Association Holiday Party, and although I was only there for about 45 minutes, I'm really glad I was able to go. (Holiday traffic was so horrible, and I told Megan not to worry about driving all the way down there for 45 mins, but luckily my Mom was in the area, so I had a date.) My main goal was to meet Patty Moulton who is the VP of Outreach and Advocacy. I think I mentioned before how I would like to get more involved with education, raising awareness, and public speaking and this was the perfect opportunity to meet the right people.

We spoke with Patty for a few minutes and exchanged contact information, so I will keep everyone updated with new developments as they come.

1 comment:

  1. I read your posts; in fact you are bookmarked on my computer. It is always good to see how others handle caregiving. My husband has Alzheimer's and I have a blog at

